File Formats
For primarily textual submissions, please submit a Microsoft Word document (.docx, .doc) or, if your piece requires complex formatting, a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Please send separate image, sound, and video files, even if the media should appear embedded in the text. Here is a chart of acceptable file types. For all media files, use the largest, highest quality version available.
For text files: .docx, .doc, .pdf, .rtf
For image files: .png, .tiff, .jpg
For sound files: .wav, .aiff, .mp3; we prefer uncompressed audio (.wav, .aiff)
For video files: .mov, .avi, .mp4
For digital projects, please submit in the best file format for the project.
Document Formatting
All manuscripts must be formatted double-spaced, with pages and lines numbered. Please use 12-point font.
For original research submissions, references should be 75 or fewer. References should be listed in the order of appearance in the manuscript, by numerical superscripts that appear consecutively in the text. If you use End Notes, please use version 6.0 or higher.
Tables should be formatted in Word, numbered consecutively, and placed together.
For peer-review purposes, figures can be attached to the manuscript after the figure legends; however, figures also should be submitted as separate, high-res graphic files in tif, jpg, eps, or pdf format, with the resolution set at a minimum of 300 dpi.
Appendixes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the very end of the manuscript. Use appendixes to provide essential material not suitable for figures, tables, or text.
For video or photograph submissions, patients should not be identifiable or they must give written permission to use the video or photograph.
The Journal of Humanities and Rehabilitation Sciences follows the American Medical Association [AMA] Manual of Style, 10th ed, published by Williams & Wilkins (Baltimore, Md).