
Michelle Kleiner PT, PhD

Michelle Kleiner PT, PhD is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and vestibular rehabilitation therapist. She has been practicing physiotherapy for over 30 years and is credentialed as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physical Therapists. Michelle and her clinic partners maintain a busy, multidisciplinary private practice in Ontario, Canada. Academically, she is an Adjunct Research Professor with the School of Physical Therapy at the University of Western Ontario. Her research interests include health professional education, reflective practice, narrative practice, therapeutic relationship, and qualitative methodologies. Her doctoral research was a hermeneutic phenomenological investigation into the qualities and practices of a ‘good’ physiotherapist. When searching for the good in physiotherapist practice, it was found that balancing biomedical knowledge and technical skills with a person-centred approach and ethic of care was important.

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