Jenni Aittokallio, PT, MH
Jenni Aittokallio is a physiotherapist specializing in mental health and pediatrics. She has extensive clinical experience in adult neurology, both as a practical nurse and a physiotherapist. She received her Master of Health Care degree from Tampere University of Applied Science, Finland, focusing on healthcare management. She also holds a post-qualification certificate in mental health physiotherapy, and a comprehensive continuing education qualification in children’s physiotherapy. For the past six years she has been working with children and adolescents with neuropsychiatric disorders and mental health disorders. Her interest in the humanities is both academic and clinical. Her research interests include patient experience, embodiment, and embodied self-expression. She uses methods that draw on the humanities in her clinical work, including painting and playing musical instruments, as well as body-based methods such as movement, play, and dance. She is a co-founder of a website that introduces physiotherapy research in mental health for Finnish audiences.