Protected: Playful Practices: Reflections on Teaching About Narrative Roleplaying Games in...
Fall 2024 - Perspectives

Protected: Playful Practices: Reflections on Teaching About Narrative Roleplaying Games in Care Contexts

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Santiago Barugel, BA

Santiago Barugel is part of the Recreation Team of the Dr. Carolina Tobar García children’s hospital for mental health in Buenos Aires (Argentina), with more than 15 years of work experience in the public healthcare system in contexts of social vulnerability and mental health with children and teenagers. He has been teaching an advanced seminar on recreation and health at the Institute of Recreation and Free Time (ISTLyR) in Buenos Aires since 2020. He educates specialists in group processes addressing complex issues through play and arts-based practices.


Marileen La Haije, PhD

Marileen La Haije is assistant professor of Hispanic Cultural Studies at the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands). Her research focuses on arts-based practices in Latin America that seek to promote the human rights of people who experience mental suffering. As part of this research, she is particularly interested in narrative roleplaying games and other arts-based practices of storytelling that seek to promote the right to play for children in vulnerable contexts.


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